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worksheet 12A - Describe and compare

Assignment 12A worksheet

In the first picture seen a young man who was watching television. in the second picture you can see the family watching television. the difference is in the first picture of the young man himself. while in the second picture there are many people. and the expression shown is happy. maybe because they are watching a program or movie they like. how does it feel when watching a movie alone? if it were me, maybe there would be no special feeling. I will only focus on the films that I watch. it might be a little boring because there are no friends to talk about the movie being watched. what is felt if the second picture occurs? it might be fun when gathering with family watching comedy shows or just watching cartoons. when watching a program or a light film it would be nice to be together. they laugh and chat with each other while drinking soda maybe? actually the television program can also be fun if watched alone, but the difference is the moment when it's together or alone, obviously it will feel different.

When I want to watch a movie that is serious or emotional, maybe I will choose to watch it myself or at the maximum just with a close friend or girlfriend. because it will be more concentrated and can appreciate the film itself. when watching a sporting event or comedy event it would be very nice to watch it crowded or with family. because it will be relaxed and become its own entertainment. because the genre of film that everyone likes is different, of course it would be more fun watching a movie alone. unless I have a friend who has the same movie taste. imagine if I watch a movie with someone who does not understand the storyline of the film, or he has never watched a sequel to a film, of course it would be very boring for him. and it would also be very annoying if he kept asking questions during the film.

It would be different if you were alone at home after school or work, it would be very nice to rest in front of the television. no matter what television shows are shown to relax for a while in front of the television after the activity will be very pleasant. especially if accompanied by snacks and drinks. actually don't care alone or together when watching television, whatever it will be fun in every different condition. because watching is the right way to release stress. Moreover, the feelings and nature of each person is different. we cannot determine which is more pleasant. people with introverted personalities might say that watching television will be more fun if alone. then what about extroverts? Of course they will say it's more fun watching with friends or other people. or there are people who are flexible and feel like they are together or alone, and will always feel good. all of that is everyone's choice


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